The Party Island Hvar, Croatia

Day 1

We arrived at the port and immediately encountered difficulty locating our accommodation. Fortunately for us, a local volunteered to help us in tracking down our Airbnb. Eventually, we arrived at the designated meeting spot and were greeted by our host. He showed us to the apartment, where we promptly dropped our bags, freshened up for the evening, and made our way to the old town. 

Tip: Google maps does not work in the Old Towns of Croatia. Get comfortable asking for directions. Croatians are nice and accommodating people so you have nothing to worry about. They are willing to help in my experience. 

After touring the Old Town for a stretch we made our way to a restaurant called Fig. There we had some delicious Thai curry and some elegant potato fries. After eating our fill, we made our way back to the apartment to gather some much needed rest for the ensuing day. 

Day 2

The proceeding day started with breaking our fast and coming to the conclusion that we had to rent a scooter and explore the island and its various beaches. We promptly made our way to the scooter rental agency, equipped ourselves with some helmets, and made haste to adventure. Our first stop was my favorite beach, Dubovica Beach. This beach had a villa nestled right beside it. From the villa you could hear classical music trumpeting through the air which added to the awesomeness of the beach. We spent time relaxing, swimming, and jumping from docks. After we felt satisfied with the time spent there, we made our way to Stari Grad, one of the oldest towns in Europe. 

Book your Scooter Rental HERE

Once in Stari Grad, we made our way to a highly recommended restaurant for lunch, Antika. There we gorged on some freshly baked focaccia and some pesto pasta. After lunch we spent some time walking about the winding alleyways of Stari Grad. Because it was extremely hot, we decided it was necessary to have some delicious lavender gelato. Lavender is abundant on Hvar, so make sure to try some. Subsequently, we hopped on our scooters and spent the rest of the afternoon driving along winding mountain roads and venturing through lavender fields. 

Returning back to Hvar town, we dropped off our scooter and freshened up for the evening. Approaching the evening hours we walked our way along the coast to some rocks just past the Falko Bar, a beautiful place to watch the sunset as we talked and wondered about life. 

Day 3

The ensuing morning, we debated about renting a boat and exploring some islands or lounging at some beaches on the main island. Ultimately, we decided to risk it and rent a boat. I had to take a quick lesson to ensure that I was competent in driving a boat, and then we were on our merry way. The first beach we journeyed to was recommended to us by the boat rental agency (they will give you recommendations of what beaches to visit, the route to take, and give you a free map) and docked our boat. There was a small hike to reach a nice secluded spot on the beach. We ate, sunbathed, swam, and explored a rock island. 

The next beach we ventured to was a popular beach where wealthy yacht owners are known to dock their exorbitantly priced vessels. We docked our comparatively cheap canoe and made our way to a sandy beach for a change (a lot of the beaches in Croatia are pebble). Just like the previous beach, we swam and sunbathed until we were satisfied 

For our last stop in our boating excursion, we made our way to a secluded cove and hoisted the anchor. The time had finally come to use our snorkeling gear. We dove into the chilly water of the Adriatic Sea and spent the next couple of hours swimming around the cove and admiring the diverse sea life.  

As the evening was drawing near, we made our way back to the dock to drop off the boat. After dropping off the boat we tidied up to enjoy our last night on Hvar. We ate at a lovely place called Dalmatino where we enjoyed one of the best meals in our entire trip. We had some delicious black gnocchi and a decadent dessert. Following dinner, we walked around Hvar’s Old Town and enjoyed its romantic ambiance. 

Day 4

For our last morning, we bought ferry tickets destined for Split that was scheduled to leave later that day. We rolled our suitcases along the uneven cobblestone promenade and found ourselves a quaint café to have breakfast. There we enjoyed espresso, smoothies, and pizza until our ferry arrived. Eventually we boarded the ferry and journeyed to our nest destination, Split. 


Split and KrKa National Park


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